Aug 24, 2011

If You Are A Bathroom Reader, You Are Not Alone.

People read in the bathroom for any number of reasons, including the guarantee of privacy, a considerable amount of downtime and the lack of external distractions. Unless the current occupant happened to have won a hot dog eating contest.

Some people have been known to read in the bathroom even without the usual gastrointestinal motivation. The bathroom provides an atmosphere free of external distractions such as blaring televisions, loud stereos, rambunctious children and ringing telephones. Some people may prefer to read in the bathroom rather than disturb their spouses with a bedroom reading lamp late at night. In fact, it is not unusual to find filled magazine and book racks in many people’s bathrooms.

As I write this article my boy friend, sitting next to me says that he used to carry pornographic magazines to the bathroom in his much younger days. ‘’Aww man that used to be a lot of fun’’ he admits pretty shamelessly with a mischievous grin.

This is a favorite pastime of many people and a source of amusement to those uninitiated in this pleasurable activity. As a child I remember the bathrooms in our house always had a collection of books and magazines thoughtfully left behind by someone who knew how important these were to help while away time.
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Aug 24, 2011

Can You Sneeze With Your Eyes Open?

First of all lets take a look at why we sneeze. Sneezing is a way that your body gets rid of bad things that are in your nose. These things might be bacteria, germs, and other things. You also sneeze when you smell pepper because your body does not like pepper! When you suddenly you see a bright light like the sun or a light bulb then you feel like you are going to sneeze. Most people feel like you do when you see the light.

It is believed that some people can sneeze with their eyes open and some people can’t. Sneezing is a reflex and so is closing our eyes. We have no control over whether or not we close our eyes when we sneeze. Some people don’t have reflex, so when they sneeze then their eyes won’t close.

No one knows the reason you close your eyes when you sneeze. There are many possibilities. Some people think it is to protect your eyes from flying goop. Most doctors think that it is still a reflex, or we just can’t help it.
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Aug 22, 2011

Some Amusing Sex Facts

You might dismiss them as funny but one thing I will assure you is, they are not baseless. At least they are not myths but facts. Laugh them off but take them seriously. They give meaning to the world’s earliest game; sex.There are very many funny sex facts associated with the act of love making. One of them is, having normal nice sex burns around 360 calories. It is an exercise like any other game and it all depends on the energy you put in it. A rough sex game burns around 544 calories.

This means sex keeps you physically fit. Actually all the funny sex facts have health benefits. It is a funny sex fact that sex instantly stops headache or any mild depression. It is a painkiller since it causes release of endorphins in the blood stream and causes a sense of euphoria. At least you now know that headache is a lame excuse not to have sex.

Still on the medical field, it is a funny sex fact that plenty of sex unblocks a stuffy nose. The secretions produced during sex are natural antihistamine. No wonder married people appear healthier in more than one way. The more oral sex you do the better since it has its own funny sex facts. Giving services for oral sex massages the jaws. It also burns some calories so you are exercising too while giving pleasure. Another funny sex fact is that semen deals with bad breath better than mouth wash.

The cum actually adds vitamins to your body while swallowed and guess what? It is said to whiten your teeth. Take a lot and save a smile. Have you heard of edible underwear? They are becoming very popular. For instance where the whole underwear is made of candy. This is eroticism at its best. The most popular flavor of this edible underwear is actually cherry.

A funny sex fact is that only 17% of women attain orgasm during sex. All the others fake it. It is really hard work to fake orgasm. You can imagine that real orgasm burns 112 calories while fake orgasm burns 315 calories. But this does not exceptionally happen to women. Study has also revealed that 48% of men are also likely to fake orgasm. It is only the number that varies. It is a funny sex fact that history has it that, the earliest illustration of a condom being used is in a cave in somewhere in France. It is actually important lest people deviate from the original way of doing it.

When it comes to body appearance, it even gets funnier. It is a funny sex fact that the right testicles for left-handed men hangs comparatively lower than the left one. The opposite is also true. For women, the right breast is said to be bigger in size than the left one. It is noticeably big but it might also explain why women always feel that their bra is not the perfect size. I am yet to see a bra with different cup sizes.

Aug 21, 2011

How To Be Happy Almost Always

There are four storms in life that will threaten to completely put out the spark to be happy in us. These must be guarded against. These are disappointment, frustration, unfairness and loneliness of purpose.


Disappointment will come when your effort does not give you the expected return. If things don’t go as planned or if you face failure. Failure is extremely difficult to handle, but those that do, come out stronger. Failure can and will make you feel miserable. You will want to quit, like I wanted to when nine publishers rejected my first book.

Some IITians kill themselves over low grades – how silly is that? But that is how much failure can hurt you. But it’s life. If challenges could always be overcome, they would cease to be a challenge. And remember – if you are failing at something, that means you are at your limit or potential. And that’s where you want to be.

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Aug 21, 2011

What Happens If The Condom Breaks?

Condoms can be effective in minimizing your chances of coming into contact with S.T.D.’s, including the H.I.V. virus. What happens if the condom breaks? If the condom breaks during sex, you have two things to worry about; pregnancy and contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

If you’re concerned about falling pregnant, ask your pharmacist for an emergency contraceptive pill, also known as the ‘morning-after pill’. If you take it within 72 hours of unprotected sex, you’ll have a 95% to 99% chance of preventing a pregnancy.

If you’re concerned about STDs, visit your local clinic, hospital or doctor where you can be tested for anything you might be worried about.
Common Diseases to Look out for

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Aug 21, 2011

What Could Possibly Be So Hilarious About A Sandwich

Aug 20, 2011

What Is The New Internet Eplorer 10 All About

Please understand that the latest version of Internet Explorer which Microsoft have released is Internet Explorer 8. And the Internet Explorer 9 is still the beta version and there is no Internet Explorer 10 distributed now, however it is expected to be something like this.

This preview only works in Windows 7, and is essentially just a window that will display web pages. To navigate to a page, press Ctrl + O and enter the URL you want.

Aug 19, 2011

Why Do People Yell Into Their Cell Phones?

Pretty much everyone owns a cell phone these days, and with the great advantages of cell phones also comes responsibility. There is certainly proper and improper cell phone etiquette, and unfortunately, improper cell phone etiquette is still rampant amongst the general population.

One prime example of bad cell phone etiquette is people yelling into their cell phones. Have you ever noticed how people talk much louder into the cell phone than a regular phone? It’s very common, and can be extremely annoying for all those nearby. A lot of people will excuse themselves into another room when taking a call, but there are some times when you can’t leave. For example, when you’re riding in a car with someone, you might need to take a call, and there’s no “other room” you can go into. It is times like these when cell phone etiquette is of the utmost importance.

So why do people with normal speaking volumes yell into their cell phones? It’s a pretty simple explanation, actually. Household telephones, or landlines, have a microphone in the receiver that amplifies your voice into the ear piece. When you talk into a landline, your voice is captured and replayed through the ear piece, so you hear your own voice loud and clear. It’s very similar to how a radio DJ wears headphones, then speaks into a microphone and hears his own voice in the headphones. With cell phones, your own voice is not amplified into the earpiece, so the only sound you hear is from your mouth. Seem like this wouldn’t be a huge difference, but the volume level of words coming from your mouth through the air and into your ear is a pretty big difference from sounds coming from a phone speaker that’s pressed directly against your ear.
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Aug 18, 2011

The Perfect Bait To Hook A Mermaid

When you ask an old fisherman, what is the one fish you haven’t caught that you would like to? Frequently the answer is a merfish. The elusive, extremely gorgeous/handsome, merfish.

A mermaid is a mythological aquatic creature with a female human head, arms, and torso and the tail of a fish. Mermaids are represented broadly in folklore, literature and popular culture.

Aug 17, 2011

Facebook Messenger And How It Can Blow Up Your iPhone

A new Android and iOS app called Facebook Messenger, has just been released and it’s exactly what it sounds like. Basically, Facebook has taken its messaging system, used their Beluga team to simplify it a bit, and pushed it out as an independent app. You can message your contacts without using up SMS (similar to things like BBM, Google+ Huddle, iMessage, GroupMe, Fast Society, and plenty of others,) and you can also create group messages on the fly as well.

Your messages will be seen by people show up in the Messenger app, their Facebook inbox, or by SMS if they don’t have the app installed. You can also share your GPS location and attach images to the message conversations as well. If you’ve used Beluga or Facebook, then you know how to use this.

Rich Harris says I was one of many folks whose smartphone was bombarded after installing the new Facebook Messenger app, a stand alone version of the Facebook messaging platform also included in the main Facebook application. To the dismay of many smartphone users including myself, my contacts on my phone in some cases were showing up in triplicate. For us geeks, nothing is more maddening that duplicate entries of anything, whether it be notifications, emails or contacts. I won’t go on and on about this as many people already are on their blogs but it does bring up a couple questions and again unearths some more of the immature development practices still prevalent at Facebook.