The Tiny Pocket On Your Jeans
However jokes apart…..
It’s actually a watch pocket, originally for men who wore pocket watches and needed a protective place to store them. Though, as Levi’s points out, the pocket has also served many other purposes over time, from condom storage to coin hoarding.
Is It Important To Have A Hobby?
It’s important to me to have somewhere where I can temporarily shut my worries away. I am then able to focus on something that in the long run might achieve something really positive.

Besides spending times with their families, some persons have an impulse to do a certain activity and they focus their attention and energy on the accomplishment of that “project”. That is what happens when one has a HOBBY!
The problem here is actually having the time for an ‘enjoyable’ hobby, sure, I could do something which doesn’t involve having to go places and do things, but isnt that the whole idea of having a hobby? But it takes time! I suppose if I were to find a hobby enjoyable enough I would have to make time right?!
For hobbyists, a hobby is much more than just a pastime. A hobby has many benefits and advantages for each individual. For some, a hobby is an emotional outlet, for others a way of gaining knowledge. Hobbies keep our minds – and our hands – active. Whatever your reasons are, if you’ve been thinking about starting a hobby or getting a new one, consider the following advantages to help guide your decision.
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Boys Will Be Boys, And So Will A Lot Of Men
I hope you never let this down now, “Boys Will Be Boys”. And so will a whole lot of men. I forget who said this but there is great truth in this apt saying.

All one has to do is keep a close watch on the behavior of these two groups and the similarities will strike you immediately. For further clues, watch for signs such as acquisition of a new gadget.
The moment someone pulls out a new mobile phone and starts playing around with it, ninety to one all the (male) heads will swivel in that direction. If that same person had sat there waiting in the most outlandish clothes a la the Pied Piper, not one bit of attention would have been thrown his way.
But there’s something irresistible about a new gizmo which is certain to break the ice straight away.
The questions will pour thick and fast as all its plus points are discussed at length.
When that avenue is exhausted, comparisons will be made. Such as which model has the most functions, the best user-friendly keypad and so on and so forth ad nauseum and ad infinitum.
If you listen carefully, you might even catch glimpses of envy, subtly introduced but there nonetheless.
One dissenting voice might intervene to say that although admittedly it is one of the best available in the market, he has heard …
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What To Do On Weekends?
Weekends should be a time to relax, to unwind and get over the stresses of the past-week while recharging the batteries for the week ahead. But, instead too many of us now actively dread the thought of the two-day break as it has become busier than the working week!
The truth is that for far too many, planning for the weekend has become akin to a working out the logistics for a co-ordinate military exercise. Making sure that we the squeeze the maximum amount of activity into a mere 48 hour period has become, like everything else in our lives, a competition. We compete against each other and the dreaded clock as we strive to produce the ‘best’ possible weekend.
But we don’t help ourselves, because we live in an age when too many of us are consumed with guilt when idle. So, instead of relishing any peace, there is a nagging doubt that we should be doing something productive; so it’s no wonder that we have trouble sleeping. Sleep deprivation is on the rise according to the government, as we simply find it far too difficult to switch off from life. Even though the body needs rest the mind simply can’t stop ticking over.
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Freedom From Smoking, How To Quit Smoking?
Smoking cessation (colloquially quitting smoking) is the process of discontinuing the practice of inhaling a smoked substance. This article focuses exclusively on cessation of tobacco smoking; however, the methods described may apply to cessation of smoking other substances that can be difficult to stop using due to the development of strong physical substance dependence or psychological dependence (in more common parlance, addiction).
Smoking cessation can be achieved with or without assistance from healthcare professionals or the use of medications. Methods that have been found to be effective include interventions directed at or via health care providers and health care systems; medications including nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and varenicline; individual and group counselling; and Web-based or stand-alone and computer programs. Although stopping smoking can cause short-term side effects such as reversible weight gain, smoking cessation services and activities are cost-effective because of the positive health benefits.
Why Online Dating is Better Than Real Life Dating
There are more and more people resorting to online dating to find their potential partners. This is not exactly surprising. This is because in some aspects, Internet dating can prove more advantageous than real world dating. Why is this so?
Imagine how it is like to date in the real world. How many nights have you asked your friends to set you up on a blind date, only to get frustrated? How many weekends have you gone to a bar in hopes of meeting someone, yet again end up frustrated? How many times have you asked a friend to watch a movie with you, or to dinner, yet boldly tells you in the end that you are just not their type?
I am sure you have had your share of dates. Even if you are the most handsome bachelor or a pretty gal, all your attempts to date may have always ended up in vain. With all these, you may end up wondering: is it your fault?
As in many others, the concept of dating has changed with the introduction of the Internet. Not only has communication been made a million times faster, but it has also helped improve relationships in a multitude of ways. More importantly, it has helped finding potential partners in the Internet a lot easier.
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