Feb 1, 2019

A Notable Gynaecologist Once Said…


“The best engine in the world is the vagina !!It can be started with one finger, is self-lubricating, takes any size piston and changes its own oil every four weeks.

It is only a pity that the management system is so f****** temperamental !!”


  • I love how the majority of females who say “Not all women are fucking tempermental cunts. I hate being thrown in a category with that stereotype.ā€ Infact ARE the reason for such a stereotype.

  • “I love how the majority of people who found this funny were men. Iā€™m in no way a feminist, however, this is just disgusting. Not all women are fucking tempermental cunts. I hate being thrown in a category with that stereotype.”

    I guess this proves that theory true… Crampy?

  • …..that would solve the temperamental management system problem he is having šŸ˜‰

  • The real pity is how he left out the part that only a skilled technician should be operating that engine……

  • no, it’s not
    it’s funny šŸ™‚

  • This is hysterically funny (pun intended, if you dig the origin of the word hysterical).
    Far from rude, it invokes the mechanical nature of the reproductive system, its quirks and anatomical reality. Clueless closed-minded religious freaks should refrain from exploring the real world and its mirror, the Internet.

  • your mom was quite rude to me…
    and she’s all over the internet.

  • I love how the majority of people who found this funny were men. I’m in no way a feminist, however, this is just disgusting. Not all women are fucking tempermental cunts. I hate being thrown in a category with that stereotype.

  • Lulz at “me”

  • I have ten fingers and still cant get one started.

  • this is not funny.
    it is rude.
    rude things should not be on the internet.

  • But how fast can the engine power the girl from 0-60mph?

  • I’m a girl and I LOL’d.

  • I lol’d

  • That is the best quote i have ever heard

  • That is very funny and very true

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