Some Amusing Sex Facts
You might dismiss them as funny but one thing I will assure you is, they are not baseless. At least they are not myths but facts. Laugh them off but take them seriously. They give meaning to the world’s earliest game; sex.There are very many funny sex facts associated with the act of love making. One of them is, having normal nice sex burns around 360 calories. It is an exercise like any other game and it all depends on the energy you put in it. A rough sex game burns around 544 calories.

This means sex keeps you physically fit. Actually all the funny sex facts have health benefits. It is a funny sex fact that sex instantly stops headache or any mild depression. It is a painkiller since it causes release of endorphins in the blood stream and causes a sense of euphoria. At least you now know that headache is a lame excuse not to have sex.
Still on the medical field, it is a funny sex fact that plenty of sex unblocks a stuffy nose. The secretions produced during sex are natural antihistamine. No wonder married people appear healthier in more than one way. The more oral sex you do the better since it has its own funny sex facts. Giving services for oral sex massages the jaws. It also burns some calories so you are exercising too while giving pleasure. Another funny sex fact is that semen deals with bad breath better than mouth wash.
The cum actually adds vitamins to your body while swallowed and guess what? It is said to whiten your teeth. Take a lot and save a smile. Have you heard of edible underwear? They are becoming very popular. For instance where the whole underwear is made of candy. This is eroticism at its best. The most popular flavor of this edible underwear is actually cherry.
A funny sex fact is that only 17% of women attain orgasm during sex. All the others fake it. It is really hard work to fake orgasm. You can imagine that real orgasm burns 112 calories while fake orgasm burns 315 calories. But this does not exceptionally happen to women. Study has also revealed that 48% of men are also likely to fake orgasm. It is only the number that varies. It is a funny sex fact that history has it that, the earliest illustration of a condom being used is in a cave in somewhere in France. It is actually important lest people deviate from the original way of doing it.
When it comes to body appearance, it even gets funnier. It is a funny sex fact that the right testicles for left-handed men hangs comparatively lower than the left one. The opposite is also true. For women, the right breast is said to be bigger in size than the left one. It is noticeably big but it might also explain why women always feel that their bra is not the perfect size. I am yet to see a bra with different cup sizes.
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I’m texting my boyfriend a whole bunch of sex facts, there are a lot of random ones I never really knew about, and I know a lot.
Infact it is true that having sex burns calories, my girlfriend and i read up on this and since then have had quite alot of sex and the results are remarkable. i must say this is the best way to exercise! 😉
My PC muscles have said to be some of the strongest my partners have ever felt. I have been exercising them for about 10 years. However, I need direct clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm……..penetration alone has never done it for me.
Many women claim that they cannot reach orgasm just from penetration. In my limited experience this is just because they have not connected their pelvic floor and the need to pull down (tighten). Every woman is strong enough with excersize to nearly make it painful but most men are too shy to ask. Or men do not understand that every woman has the same muscles amd she needs to be coached to find them and use them. This is a very hard subject to vroach if the relationship is not working well. And it will not be working very well if the woman does not try.
When I was young (under 50) no woman ever seemed to have an orgasm from me, I was too busy pleasing myself, too ignorant, too lazzy and they pretended not to know what it was.
When I was older (over 50) I found women really could not take more than about 5 a night!
I am rather certain that ovulation happens in despair about day 12 – 14 but can be provolked by intense orgasm and female ejaculation at almost any time in the menstrual cycle. So there is no “safe” period.
There seems little correlation between ease of orgasm in the woman and time in the cycle but orgasm during menstruation is more intense..
A post menopausal woman who has never had an orgasm with a man partner is hard to start but once she starts it is worth the trouble.
actually sex doesn’t burn that many calories. an average 130 lbs woman would burn abt 30-60 cal per 1/2 hr depending on how intense sex is…so the 360 cal burned an hour is just a HUGE myth…that’s b/c most of the excitement comes from difference sources rather than exercise related :D:)
BUT sex strengthens the muscles so it’s just as good as doing crunches :D:)
When it comes to body appearance, it even gets funnier. It is a funny sex fact that the right testicles for left-handed men hangs comparatively lower than the left one. The opposite is also true. For women, the right breast is said to be bigger in size than the left one. It is noticeably big but it might also explain why women always feel that their bra is not the perfect size. I am yet to see a bra with different cup sizes.
Why? hahahaha SECRET.